已发表论文: 1. Wang, Kun; Wei, Zhe*; Xiao, Xing; Sun, Kunpeng; Security regulations, access to capital markets, and firm performance: Evidence from China, Journal of Business Finance & Accounting, 2020, 47(7-8): 1034-1058. 2. 魏哲; 张海燕; 大股东参与定增新解:市值管理亦或股价操纵, 投资研究, 2016,(08): 130- 149. 3. 罗玫; 魏哲; 股市对业绩预告修正一视同仁吗?, 金融研究, 2016, (07): 191-206. 4. 魏哲; 罗婷; 张海燕; 管理层归因行为研究——基于业绩预告修正的分析, 中国会计评论, 2016, (04): 465-482. 5. Zhe Wei; Jian Xue; Fair value accounting of financial assets and analyst forecasts , China Journal of Accounting Studies, 2015, 3(4): 294-319. |